
Can't Live With It

Can't Live Without

Restaurant Owner's Dilemma


Need help with takeaway?

It's time to transport your packages responsibly, with reasonable prices.

Manage all delivery processes using the Paketix Platform.

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Optimum Route

Your delivery requests are automatically forwarded from the customer to the courier.

Live Tracking

You can monitor the process in real-time and get information about status updates from anywhere.

Seamless Accounting

All transactions are automatically charged to your credit card and service invoices are automatically deducted.

Technology-enabled, Measurable Service from your Local Courier Group


Paketix Platform ensures fair calculation of service prices, while Courier Groups determine all service prices.

Actual Distance

Calculations are made based on the street travel distance between delivery points, measured in meters.

Fair Pricing

Prices are calculated based on the labor and depreciation costs incurred during the service.

Dispute Resolution

Any grievances will be reviewed, and compensation will be provided in case of a potential order cancellation.

Customer Increase

Increased delivery neighborhoods thanks to a managed and redundant courier operation.

Reduced Delivery Costs

Pricing independent of the cost of the migrated package.

Operational Ease

Manage all your orders from a single panel.

Continuous Delivery Team

Optimize internal and external courier resources and meet customer demands.

Location Independent

Access the dashboard with a browser from anywhere in the world.

Access Control

All staff can access the dashboard with as much authorization as they need.

We don't just carry cooked food

From the needs of our animal friends to e-commerce messages, from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals, if you have a package to transport, it's time to get service from your local courier groups:

  • Fair Pricing
  • Technological Process Management
  • Package Insurance

Register Today!

You don't have to enter a credit card.

Paketix Platform is offered with a lifetime commitment of free use.