Same Day Local Delivery

Different start and end points of your choice; for example, between your branches.

With distance-based pricing, your missing parts will arrive on the same day, your phones that will be repaired to another location will arrive on the same day.

Keep your labor for yourself.

Fair Pricing

Reduce transportation costs, don't bother with taximeters, and stand out from the competition.

Optimum Service

Just-in-time delivery. Would you like fast delivery? Is same-day delivery enough for your business?

Flexible Route

Order transportation to different pick-up and delivery addresses, all within the comfort of a mobile app.

You can now get technology-enabled, measurable service from your local courier groups.


Paketix Platform ensures fair calculation of service prices, service prices are determined by Courier Groups.

Dynamic Order

Order with different pickup and delivery points.

Instant Pricing

See the delivery price instantly.

Flexible Use

Use with computer or mobile application.

Operational Ease

Manage all your orders from a single panel.


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We do not only serve technical services

From groceries to medicine, if you have a package to transport, it's time to enlist the services of your local courier groups:

  • Fair Pricing
  • Technological Process Management
  • Package Insurance

Register Now!

You don't have to enter a credit card.

Paketix Platform is offered with a lifetime commitment of free use.